Bhau's Christmas Message 2010

Tweaked from: an email dictated on Christmas Day 2005


Beloved Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!

Merry Christmas and Happy, Joyful, and Blissful New Year to all of you, my dear ones!  Silently in my ears, I found a chorus of Christmas from all over.

I got up early today, and after my bath, came to the office with Mother C and Mom (Camilla) to do emails.  Mom is busy with Christmas messages, and but she is so absorbed that she has forgotten the world, though her two daughters, son-in-law, and grandson are there at Meherabad and will be coming soon to go to Meherazad.  For the first time after two years, she is meeting them for Christmas.  She is waiting and waiting for them, as if she is waiting for Jesus Christ!

When I dictated this, both Mom and Mother C laughed!  Today being Christmas, the trees and the plants in the Trust Compound have come alive.  Mom's laugh was so loud that even the trees and the plants heard.

Everybody knows that we are doing emails, and whether people celebrate or not, our hearts are celebrating.

Actually, our hearts are full, because we know the Ancient One shows His beautiful face age after age.  During this age, we can witness Him.  When people see His pictures, they recognize Him.  Sometimes, even if they don't know why, His pictures still attract them, and they will come to know about Him.  Then they will know that they have celebrated Christmas for Him.

I hope and believe that all your dear ones must be very happy and joyful, and hope that today you will not become dhobis [laundrymen], but will have a nice dinner and high-class drink that someone has bought for you.  So many of you are "tatte garu" [empty pockets] just like me!

Today is a day of happiness, because everywhere in the world, the Lord is remembered.  And the Lord must be witnessing this.

With all love and Jai Baba to you, dear ones all over the world.  Jai Ho!  Jai Ho!  Jai Ho!

Beloved Jesus Christ Ki Jai! and Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!  (Though the Avatar changes His Name and His Form, He is always One and the Same.)

In His Love and Service,
